Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Gingham and Birthday!

Hello my lovelies!

I feel so happy to be back! You have no idea how long this post has taken me to put up. Probably about a week! My computer has completely run out of space and I accidentally snapped all these photos on the largest setting ever so they couldn't actually fit on my computer. Nightmare! 
I took these using my new snazzy Canon 600d. Yes, I now have my very own SLR! Aaah! It's amazing and so perfect for novices like me. I am basically in love. However, as I was so eager to use it I literally just stuck it straight onto auto and didn't check the settings properly - hence the mahoosive pics which I had to individually size down and delete half my other pics to give them space. However, i've since been having a little play around with it and am even more excited to use it especially now that I am going to be back to blogging much more frequently again from now on. Whoop!
Anyway onto the outfit! Yes yes, yet more gingham - I just can't stop! These are so comfortable and instantly complete an outfit. A few guys (unsurprisingly) have commented that these look a little like chef trousers. But ever since another guy told me my riding pants looked like a wetsuit I have chosen to always ignore their views. I am still loving these chicwish heels which are so comfy and light I forget i'm even wearing them. This is really weird for me as most of my shoes are so chunky that I feel like i'm lifting weights all day - great for the calf muscles though. 
I then chucked on my leather jacket and trench over the top. I really like the look of these two items together and it also keeps me a little extra cosy on more windy days. 
I mentioned in my last post that my Birthday was coming up and I had such an amazing time with all my favourite people! We went out to a place in Soho called 'Floridita' which is a latin/salsa type bar. They had a live Latin band playing and many small swift moving (probably slightly pervy, but we let that slide for the moves) men (think Vincent from Strictly Come Dancing) waiting on the sidelines to grab and spin you around until you almost pass out. I haven't exercised so much in a long time. I dread to think how many feet I crushed in the process. I only stopped dancing to grab another tasty cocktail which are all so blaady good! If you want a fun, carefree and slightly different night out with the girls you should definitely try it out.
Have any of you guys been there - if so what did you think of it?

Julia x
Coat and Top - H&M, Jacket - All Saints, TROUSERS - Motel Rocks, Bag - TK Maxx, Shoes - Chicwish, Sunglasses - vintage
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  1. I love this look you always look so stylish and cute I am loving the whole look and have been looking at those shoes for a while now deciding if I should or should not get them , are they truly comfortable and true to size? . Happy belated birthday the bar sounds like lots of fun :).

    1. Ahh thank you lovely! Well, i'm 5.5 and got them in a size 5 and they were slightly too tight at first but they have stretched now and are finally so comfy and fine! I reckon if you are a half size though maybe go up? I think a 6 would have been perfect for me. x

  2. I adore everything about this outfit Julia! You look beyond incredible, obsessed x


  3. SO IN LOVE with your trousers!! And happy belated birthday! x


  4. Love this outfit!
    Thank you for commenting on my blog post :)

    Jennifer x


  5. so awesome!! you look stylish!! happy bday, dear!!

    Animated Confessions

  6. Amazing! Love how you layered everything, great trousers and shoes! Best wishes xx


  7. Absolutely love the trousers! And I love how you've layered the jackets, following you on bloglovin'!x

  8. I love the pants!


Thank you so much for your comments! I love hearing your thoughts and they always make my day. Link your blogs too as I love checking them out xx