Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Mule Fuel

Hi Lovelies!

Say hello to my new favourite things... MA MULES. I am in love. I've been eyeing up the famous Zara mules for too long but the price just wasn't for me. And where do you look when you want some amazingly affordable on trend shoes that won't break your bank (and allow you to buy perhaps an extra pair at the same time...oops)? New Look of course!
I am loving New Look shoes at the moment. Throughout this year they have constantly been bang on trend and oh so beautiful (mostly the ugly shoes are the beautiful ones to me - as displayed here). These particular mules are ridiculously comfortable and so easy to walk in. Great shoes for both the day and the night. I also really want these in white but they are currently out of stock. Re-stock New Look, I beg of you! 
This duster coat is yet another item I have been eyeing up for far too long and when the 20% off everything at ASOS arrived I finally cracked and got it. I really wanted it last autumn/winter as knew it would be a perfect coat for day time as well as when I am going somewhere fancy and want something relatively smart looking to chuck on. This length of coat is particularly great with midi and maxi skirts as I always find that my coats are too short and then the skirt ends up sticking out awkwardly. I know it may seem a little silly to get this long black coat in the summer (or so it's meant to be - stop with the rain please England) but it's so lightweight that it can easily be worn all year round. Obviously it wouldn't be something I would take on holiday with me, if I was luckily enough to be going on one - very distraught face. 
ASOS are the queens of duster coats and i've also been looking at the grey, lilac, pink and the white ones but I thought the black was the most versatile, although the white one is constantly on my mind so may have to crack and get that one as well. It would be incredible for summer and bang on trend with the all white look which I am loving. I want. 
I then paired it with my sheer striped blouse i'd almost forgotten existed and my white ripped mom jeans which stops the outfit looking too smart and gives it a far more relaxed daytime friendly feel. It's really difficult to work out what to wear at the moment in England, as one minute it will be sunny and the next it's pouring down and so I still feel like i'm in-between seasons. Surely I should be walking around in hot pants and being very conscious of my wobbly bits by now?
Coat - ASOS, Blouse - Urban Outfitters, Jeans - Topshop, Sunglasses - Monki, Backpack - TK Maxx, Mules - New Look

What do you guys think of the Mule trend? Love or hate?

Julia x
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  1. This outfit is perfection. I love the jacket and blouse!! Great post! :)

  2. Lovely! I'm planning a summer in mules so this was a perfectly timed post for me.. Great read and pics

  3. Loving this look Julia! So gorgeous! x

  4. Adore the mules and the duster coat!

  5. Love the ripped jeans! So good that the mules are that comfy, I've always found new look shoes to be uncomfy, they must've improved themselves!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  6. This look is perfect, so glad I've come across your blog.

    - xx

  7. i just love your stripey shirt. looks so good on you.

  8. I adore this outfit Julia, just gorgeous x

  9. love your jacket - wicked outfit! xx

  10. Great jacket
    Want to follow each other? Sandy Sandhu

  11. the coat makes this outfit more stunning!


  12. i absolutely adore that coat! i NEED it

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  13. I love white and black clothes. This look is beautiful!

  14. Hello beautiful I love your jacket and sandals are great!! Would you like to visit and follow my blog? You can find clothes and looks interesting, do you think if we keep? kisses :)


Thank you so much for your comments! I love hearing your thoughts and they always make my day. Link your blogs too as I love checking them out xx